Simple Numbers Game

January 8, 2008 at 1:16 pm | Posted in Children's Classes, Teaching Tips: Numbers | 1 Comment
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With my younger students, ages 2-6, I do a lot of counting objects. At Christmas time we counted little bells, these days we are counting crayons. You can really use any object around you. To make it a bit more fun, ask the students to close their eyes, and change the number of objects. For example, if you already counted 10 crayons, ask the students to close their eyes and remove the crayons so there are 5 left. Next ask the students to open their eyes, and ask how many objects. The students have a lot of fun trying to count quickly, and yelling out the number. You can do this many times in a row, and the students don’t get bored. I always follow up something like this with a song, of course. You can check out Dream English’s Let’s Count 1 to 10 here.  It’s a free download, and is great for kids from 1 to 10 years old.  

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